I have lived right in the heart of the Amish community now for almost 12 years. In fact, I am surrounded by
farms where I am -- and outlets! I also work in the judicial system, and I can say for a fact that child abuse
in their community is a severe problem. I've had several in my courtroom over the years. Almost all of them plead guilty.
What is shocking to me is the amount of support the Amish community give the abuser. Usually, there's about
30 people from the church on one side and the poor victim(s) usually only have a counselor with them.
They ask for mercy...but to me the victim will be punished more since they will have to live with it forever.
The last one I had was just this June. Father abusing his daughters for years. Finally one spoke up to
protect the younger sister. What struck me as really sad is the mother, instead of sticking with her daughters,
pled for mercy for her husband.
The JW religion is not far off the Amish as far as their practices and the amount of hypocrisy that goes on.
The standards are much too high and that leads to people scrambling trying to "cover" their image.